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2021 Report to the Community

2021 Report to the Community


2021 was a tough year. Albertans continued to deal with COVID-19 alongside their own personal challenges and crises. Distress Centre was always there to listen and offer hope to those who needed it through such uncertain times. See our Report to the Community to learn about our impact, partnerships and finances in 2021.

In the spirit of respect, reciprocity and truth, Distress Centre Calgary would like to honour and acknowledge Moh’kinsstis, and the traditional Treaty 7 territory and oral practices of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations. We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Otipemisiwak Métis Government of the Métis Nation within Alberta Districts 5 and 6. Finally, we acknowledge all Nations – Indigenous and non – who live, work and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate this territory.