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988 Suicide Crisis Helpline


9-8-8 is a new national three-digit helpline that provides urgent, live support by phone and text for anyone who is thinking about suicide, seeking crisis support, or who is worried about someone they know.    

Phone or text: 9-8-8

Distress Centre Calgary is a 9-8-8 partner and part of the network of crisis lines across the country whose responders take 9-8-8 calls and texts.  

Distress Centre has been involved with the efforts to offer a national suicide prevention service since the Canadian Distress Line Network (CDLN) formed in 2002. Crisis Services Canada evolved out of the CDLN and launched the Canada Suicide Prevention Service in 2017. Distress Centre was one of the first four pilot sites when that service launched in 2017 and continued being a partner and answering contacts when it became Talk Suicide in 2022.

Our local crisis lines remain available for anyone requiring crisis and emotional support, including needing support for thoughts of suicide. We can be reached 24 hours a day by phoning or texting 403-266-HELP (403-266-4357) or chatting online at DistressCentre.com

Whether someone contacts 9-8-8 or our local lines, they will receive support.     

211 also remains available for information and navigation support, including help connecting to mental health and addictions resources. 

Opportunities to Help

Our volunteer opportunities allow you to provide support in various ways, including over the phone and via chat, text, or email. We also provide extensive practical and ongoing training.

As Calgary’s only 24-hour crisis agency, we are often the first point of contact for those seeking help. Make a career out of making a difference!

Distress Centre is committed to furthering the field of social work, and we view practicum students as a great asset to our team.  Practicum opportunities exist year-round within the Crisis Line Program and Counselling Program, along with other opportunities.

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Our Impact Funders

we want you to know that your donation is currently supporting someone in crisis. thank you for your contributions.

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In the spirit of respect, reciprocity and truth, Distress Centre Calgary would like to honour and acknowledge Moh’kinsstis, and the traditional Treaty 7 territory and oral practices of the Blackfoot confederacy: Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, as well as the Îyâxe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina nations. We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Otipemisiwak Métis Government of the Métis Nation within Alberta Districts 5 and 6. Finally, we acknowledge all Nations – Indigenous and non – who live, work and play on this land, and who honour and celebrate this territory.